장학회에 따르면 초‧중‧고‧대학생 및 시민을 포함해 총 526명을 선발하고 장학금으로 5억 5천 1백만원을 지급할 예정이다.
장학생 모집 분야는 성적우수 장학금(고‧대), 특기자 장학금(초‧중‧고‧대), 학력신장 장학금(고), 다자녀 장학금(중‧고‧대), 청향 장학금(초‧중‧고‧대), 희망드림 장학금(초‧중‧고‧대), 국제교류 장학금(대), 플러스알파 장학금(시민) 총 8개 분야이다.
특히 플러스알파 장학금은 순천시민의 자격증 취득을 장려하고, 어학 및 IT 분야의 전문성을 높이기 위해 마련된 장학금이다.
다만 학력신장 장학금은 직전학기 대비 20%이상 성적이 향상된 고등학생을 소속 학교장이, 국제교류 장학금은 외국인 대학생을 대학의 장이 추천해 선발한다.
장학금 신청은 주소지 읍‧면‧동 행정복지센터에 접수하거나 이메일로 할 수 있다.
신청서 서식 및 구비서류, 선발 내용 등 자세한 사항은 (재)순천시인재육성장학회 누리집을 통해 확인할 수 있으며, 평생교육과 또는 순천시인재육성장학회 후원회로 문의하면 된다.
[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.] Suncheon City Talent Development Scholarship Association Scholarship Student Recruitment...Reporter Kim Doo-hwan
The Suncheon City Talent Development Scholarship Association announced on the 2nd that it will accept applications for the 2024 scholarship from the 7th to the 25th.
According to the scholarship association, a total of 526 people, including elementary, middle, high school, and college students and citizens, will be selected and 551 million won in scholarships will be paid.
The scholarship recruitment fields are the Academic Excellence Scholarship (High School and College), Special Ability Scholarship (Elementary, Middle, High School, and College), Academic Ability Enhancement Scholarship (High School), Multi-Child Scholarship (Middle School, High School, and College), Youth Scholarship (Elementary, Middle, High School, and College), Hope Dream Scholarship (Elementary, Middle, High School, and College), International Exchange Scholarship (University), and Plus Alpha Scholarship (Citizens).
In particular, the Plus Alpha Scholarship is a scholarship designed to encourage Suncheon citizens to obtain qualifications and enhance their expertise in language and IT.
However, the Academic Achievement Scholarship is selected by the principal of the school where the high school student has improved his/her grades by 20% or more compared to the previous semester, and the International Exchange Scholarship is selected by the principal of the university for the international exchange scholarship.
You can apply for the scholarship at the administrative welfare center of your town, township, or neighborhood or by email.
Detailed information such as the application form, required documents, and selection details can be found on the website of the Suncheon City Talent Development Scholarship Association, and inquiries can be made to the Lifelong Education Department or the Suncheon City Talent Development Scholarship Association Supporters' Association.
The selection results will be evaluated and reviewed by the end of November and the final decision will be made by the scholarship association's board of directors, and the scholarship will be paid in December.선발 결과는 11월 말까지 평가 및 심의를 거쳐 장학회 이사회에서 최종 결정되며, 장학금은 12월 중 지급될 예정이다. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스전남동부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>