주철현 전남도당위원장, 주요 당직 인선 여수지역 정치인 다수 포진..친정체제 강화김영규 전 시의장 상무위원 임명, 운영위원 강문성, 최동익 도의원..정책실장 김일주 전 국회의원 보좌관, 대외협력국장 주연창 전 전남도의원 각각 임명
주철현 더불어민주당 전남도당 위원장은 23일 첫 상무위원회와 운영위원회를 열어 주요 당직인선을 의결했다.
상무위원회는 이날 주철현 도당위원장, 김문수 국회의원을 비롯한 김태균 전남도의회 의장, 정기명 여수시장, 김산 무안군수, 전남도의원 및 각 시·군의회 의장단 등 80여 명이 참석했다.
당헌에 따라 구성된 5인 이하의 지명직 상무위원으로 김영규 전 여수시의회 의장, 이경윤 전 전남도당 정무조정실장, 강춘길 목포지역위 수석부위원장, 유영철 전 순천시의원, 황인철 박지원 국회의원 특보가 임명됐다.
또 운영위원으로는 신민호 전남도의회 원내대표, 강문성 도의원, 차영수 도의원, 최동익 도의원, 이경윤 전 전남도당 정무조정실장, 강춘길 목포지역위 수석부위원장, 유영철 전 순천시의원, 황인철 박지원 국회의원 특보, 박정식 전남도당 사무처장 등 9명이 상무위원회 호선으로 임명됐다.
이어 오후에 열린 운영위원회에서는 각 위원회 구성보고와 각급 위원회 위원장, 전남도당 사무처와 정무직 당직자, 전남 기초의회 원내대표협의회 설치 및 협의회장 임명 의결이 이뤄졌다.
교육연수위원장 강필구 영광군의원, 홍보소통위원장 임형석 도의원, 직능위원장 조옥현 도의원, 다문화위원장 손남일 도의원, 자치분권위원장 이현창 도의원이 임명됐다.
주철현 도당위원장과 함께 할 사무처 상근당직자로는 정책실장 김일주 전 주철현 국회의원 보좌관, 대외협력국장 주연창 전 전남도의원이 임명됐다.
전남도당 대변인에는 임형석 도의원과 최정훈 도의원이 임명됐으며, 전남지역 22개 시군 기초의회 원내대표협의회장으로 왕윤채 장흥군의회 원내대표가 임명됐다.
여성·청년·노인위원회 등 전국위원회급 상설위원장은 향후 당원투표 등을 통해 임명되고, 상임부위원장단 및 상임고문단, 부위원장과 특별위원장은 각 지역위원회 추천과 도당의 논의를 거쳐 결정될 예정이다.
주철현 위원장은 "투명한 시스템 공천과 체계적 선거지원으로 다가오는 2026년 지방선거에서 압승해 호남중심 민주정권 창출의 초석을 전남도당이 만들어 갈 수 있도록 노력할 것"이라고 말했다.
[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.] Former South Jeolla Province Party Chairman Joo Chul-hyun, former Yeosu City Council Speaker Kim Young-gyu appointed as standing committee member...Steering Committee member Kang Moon-seong, Provincial Assembly member Choi Dong-ik, former National Assembly member Kim Il-joo's aide as policy director, and former South Jeolla Province Assembly member Joo Yeon-chang as external cooperation director, respectively, are appointed.
The chairman of the Jeonnam Provincial Party of the Democratic Party of Korea, Joo Chul-hyun, held the first standing committee and steering committee on the 23rd and decided on the appointment of key party officials.
The standing committee was attended by about 80 people, including Joo Chul-hyun, chairman of the provincial party, National Assembly member Kim Moon-soo, former Jeonnam Provincial Council Chairman Kim Tae-gyun, Yeosu Mayor Jeong Gi-myeong, Muan County Governor Kim San, Jeonnam Provincial Council members, and chairmen of each city and county council.
The five or fewer appointed standing committee members, established in accordance with the party constitution, were Kim Young-gyu, former chairman of the Yeosu City Council, Lee Gyeong-yoon, former director of the Jeonnam Provincial Party’s Political Coordination Office, Kang Chun-gil, senior vice-chairman of the Mokpo Regional Committee, Yoo Yeong-cheol, former Suncheon City Council member, and Hwang In-cheol, special advisor to National Assembly member Park Ji-won.
In addition, the steering committee members included Shin Min-ho, floor leader of the Jeonnam Provincial Council, Kang Moon-sung, Cha Yeong-soo, Choi Dong-ik, former director of the Jeonnam Provincial Party’s Political Coordination Office, Kang Chun-gil, senior vice-chairman of the Mokpo Regional Committee, and Yoo Yeong-cheol, former chairman of the Jeonnam Provincial Party’s Political Coordination Office.
Nine people, including Suncheon City Council members, Hwang In-cheol, Park Ji-won, special advisers to National Assembly members, and Park Jeong-sik, former South Jeolla Province Party office director, were appointed through the standing committee.
In the afternoon, the Steering Committee held a report on the composition of each committee, the chairmen of each committee, the South Jeolla Province Party office and political party officials, the establishment of the South Jeolla Province Basic Council floor leader council, and the appointment of the council chair.
The Education and Training Committee Chairman Kang Pil-gu, Yeonggwang County Council member Lim Hyeong-seok, the Public Relations and Communication Committee Chairman, Jo Ok-hyeon, the Function Committee Chairman, Son Nam-il, the Multicultural Committee Chairman, and Lee Hyeon-chang, the Autonomy and Decentralization Committee Chairman were appointed.
As full-time party officials of the office to work with Provincial Party Chairman Joo Cheol-hyeon, Policy Director Kim Il-ju, former National Assembly member Joo Cheol-hyeon’s aide, and External Cooperation Bureau Director Joo Yeon-chang, former South Jeolla Province Party member, were appointed.
Provincial Council members Lim Hyeong-seok and Choi Jeong-hoon were appointed as spokespersons for the South Jeolla Province Party, and Wang Yun-chae was appointed as the chairman of the floor leader councils of the 22 cities and counties in South Jeolla Province. The floor leader of Jangheung County Council has been appointed.
The standing chairpersons of the national committees, such as the Women’s, Youth, and Senior Citizens’ Committee, will be appointed through future party member voting, etc., and the standing vice-chairpersons, standing advisors, vice-chairpersons, and special chairpersons will be decided through recommendations from each regional committee and discussions with the provincial party.
Chairman Joo Cheol-hyeon said, “We will strive to ensure that the Jeollanam-do provincial party can lay the foundation for the creation of a Honam-centered democratic government by winning a landslide victory in the upcoming 2026 local elections through a transparent nomination system and systematic election support.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스전남동부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>