"갑질 피해 하위직공무원 5명 줄사표·가해 팀장은 과장승진···강자 편든 정기명 여수시장 '눈가리고 아웅'"여수시청 대표적 직장 내 갑질·괴롭힘 사건 기록, 민선7기 당시 소수직렬 신입공무원 9명 임용, 그중 7명이 A씨에게 지속적인 갑질 피해로 1명 임용 5개월 만에 사표 언론에 대서특필, 이후 여러명 순차적으로 줄사표..감사원·국민권익위원회 진정서접수 조사관 5명 여수 파견 갑질 대부분 사실로 드러나..여수시 공노조, 자체 조사서 갑질 피해자 12명 확인..정 시장, 브레이크뉴스와 전화인터뷰서 간부승진 인사검증 실패 인정
"신입이 무슨 대체휴무냐", "조직에서 일 못하는 사람은 알아서 사직서를 쓰고 나가야 된다"는 등 "평소 모욕적이고 고압적인 언행이 습관화돼 본인만 모를 거예요."
여기에 신입 직원들에게 늦은 밤까지 만취토록 술자리강요와 비인격적인 욕설·폭언 등 지속적인 갑질로 우울증에 시달리다 임용장을 받은 지 5개월 만에 끝내 사표를 낸 여수시청의 대표적인 직장 내 갑질·괴롭힘 사건.
이 때문에 언론에 대서특필되면서 결국 감사원과 국민권익위원회까지 나섰고, 갑질 정도가 일정기간 지속됐다며 새내기 공무원 5명이 진정서를 내기도 했다.
그런데 얼마 전 발표한 올 하반기 여수시 정기인사에서 공직사회 물의를 일으킨 직장 내 갑질·괴롭힘 가해 팀장이 과장으로 전격 승진해 뒷말이 무성하게 흘러나온다.
그도 그럴 것이 이번에 과장으로 승진한 A씨에게 갑질 피해를 당했다며 2020년 민선7기 당시 경위서를 써낸 신입공무원 5명 모두가 순차적으로 사표를 낸 사실이 뒤늦게 알려져 과장승진 의결에 논란이 커지고 있기 때문이다.
이와관련 정기명 여수시장은 이번 간부승진 과정에서 직장 내 갑질·괴롭힘 가해 당사자를 걸러내지 못하고 과장으로 승진시킨데 대해 아쉬움이 크다고 말해 사실상 인사검증 실패를 자인했다.
무엇보다 같은 직렬에 정통한 한 직원은, 사표를 낸 하위직 공무원들이 갑질·괴롭힘 사건의 당사자인 A씨가 한직으로 문책성 좌천인사 이후 제자리로 복귀하면서 피해 공무원들의 줄사표가 이어졌다고 주장했다.
특히 민선7기 당시 A씨에 대한 직장 내 갑질 사건이 발생하자 국민권익위원회 조사관 네댓 명이 여수에 파견돼 조사를 벌인 결과 신규 직원 9명 중 무려 7명이 갑질·괴롭힘 피해를 당한 것으로 나타났다.
한발 더 나아가 여수시청 공무원노동조합은 당시 보도자료를 내고 "공노조 자체 조사결과 A씨에게 술자리 강요와 폭언·폭설, 근무시간외 업무지시, 부당업무배제 등 갑질·괴롭힘을 당한 피해자는 모두 12명이라고 밝혀 충격파가 컸다.
실제 여수시청 공노조 고충민원에 접수된 당시 A팀장의 갑질 행태는 ▲지위 이용한 욕설·폭언 ▲비인격적 언행·인권무시 ▲사적감정 이용 부당업무배제 ▲공사구분 미비·공개장소 모욕 ▲술자리강제참석요구 ▲휴일업무지시 내용 등이 담겼다.
앞서 브레이크뉴스는 지난 2020년 3월 "평생 공직 꿈이 직장상사 갑질에 '와르르'"···'눈가리고 아웅'한 여수시·멍든 새내기 공무원 '사표'"라는 제하의 단독보도를 내보내 당시 권오봉 시장이 홍역을 치르기도 했다.
정기명 여수시장은 브레이크뉴스와 전화통화를 갖고 "이번 하반기 정기인사에서 5급 과장으로 승진한 A씨에 대한 인사검증을 제대로 하지 못해 송구스럽게 생각한다"고 말했다.
정 시장은 특히 "A씨의 직장 내 갑질로 피해자였던 하위직공무원 5명이 순차적으로 사표를 낸 사실을 인사발표 이후 최근에 들어서야 알게 됐다"면서 "향후 간부승진에 대한 인사검증을 강화하겠다"고 밝혔다.
이에 대해 A과장은 브레이크뉴스와 대면 인터뷰를 갖고 "과거 자신의 부적절한 언행으로 상처를 받은 전·현직 동료 직원들에게 깊이 사죄한다"면서 "공직생활을 존중과 배려하는 마음으로 임하겠다"고 말했다.
그러면서 A과장은 "새내기 공무원들이 줄지어 사표를 내고 새로운 곳으로 직장을 옮긴 것과 관련해선, 과거 자신의 갑질과는 무관하다"면서 "사표를 낸 전직 동료들은 국공립 대학교 도서관 또는 전남도내 다른 지자체에서 근무 중인 것으로 알고 있다"고 밝혔다.
여수시 관계자는 "이번에 과장으로 승진한 A씨의 과거 직장 내 갑질 피해공무원 5명이 사표를 낸데 대해 정기인사 사전에 파악을 하지 못해 아쉬움이 남는다"고 말했다.
이 관계자는 "다음달 말께 있을 사무관급 승진자 6주간의 간부교육 이수 이후 다른 자리로 배치할 계획을 검토 중에 있다"면서 "여의치 않을 경우 내년 1월 상반기 정기인사 때 조치도 열려있다"고 밝혔다.
[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.] Five low-ranking public officials who were victims of abuse of power received their resignation, and the offending team leader was promoted to manager... Yeosu Mayor Jeong Ki-myeong, who took the side of the strong, ‘Aung blindfolded’...Yeosu City Hall's representative case of abuse and harassment in the workplace was recorded. During the 7th civil election, 9 new civil servants were appointed in a small number of positions. 7 of them were victims of continuous abuse of power by Mr. A. 1 person resigned after 5 months of appointment and made headlines in the media, and several others were sequentially appointed thereafter. A resignation letter... 5 investigators dispatched to Yeosu after receiving a complaint from the Board of Audit and Inspection and the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission. Most of the abuse of power was found to be true.. Yeosu City's public union confirmed 12 victims of abuse of power in its own investigation.. Mayor Jeong admits to failing in personnel verification for executive promotion in a phone interview with Break News...Reporter Kim Hyun-joo
To a new employee who has just joined the company, “XX, are you a civil servant?”, “Because this XX treats you well, you look down on your senior.”
“What kind of substitute leave is it for new employees?”, “People who can’t work in an organization should write their own resignation letter and leave,” etc. “Only they will not know because their insulting and high-handed words and actions have become a habit.”
In addition, a representative case of abuse and harassment in the workplace occurred at Yeosu City Hall, where new employees suffered from depression due to constant abuse of power, including forcing them to drink until they were drunk until late at night and using inhumane swear words and verbal abuse, and ended up resigning 5 months after receiving their letter of appointment.
Because of this, it was featured in the media, and eventually even the Board of Audit and Inspection and the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission came forward, and five new civil servants filed a complaint, saying that the abuse of power had continued for a certain period of time.
However, in the recently announced regular personnel reshuffle in Yeosu City for the second half of this year, a team leader who committed abuse and bullying in the workplace, which caused controversy in the public service community, was suddenly promoted to manager, causing a lot of gossip.
This is because it was belatedly revealed that all five new civil servants who wrote a statement of circumstances during the 7th popular election in 2020 submitted their resignation sequentially, claiming that they were victims of abuse of power by Mr. A, who was recently promoted to manager, and controversy is growing over the decision to promote the manager.
In relation to this, Yeosu Mayor Jeong Ki-myeong said that he was very disappointed in the fact that he was promoted to manager without filtering out the perpetrators of abuse and harassment in the workplace during this executive promotion process, effectively admitting that he had failed in the personnel verification.
Above all, an employee who is familiar with the same line of work claimed that the resignation of lower-ranking public officials who had resigned continued as Mr. A, the person involved in the abuse and harassment incident, returned to his current position after being demoted to one position.
In particular, when an incident of abuse of power against Mr. A occurred in the workplace during the 7th popular election, four or five investigators from the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission were dispatched to Yeosu to conduct an investigation, and it was found that as many as seven out of nine new employees were victims of abuse of power and harassment.
Going one step further, the Yeosu City Hall Public Officials Labor Union issued a press release at the time, saying, "As a result of the union's own investigation, it was revealed that there were a total of 12 victims of abuse and harassment by Mr. The shock wave was big.
In fact, the abusive behavior of team leader A at the time, as reported in the Yeosu City Hall public union complaint, was ▲ abusive language and verbal abuse using his position ▲ impersonal language and behavior, disregard for human rights ▲ unfair exclusion from work using personal emotions ▲ lack of distinction between public and private works, insults in public places ▲ forced attendance at drinking parties ▲ It contains holiday work instructions, etc.
Previously, in March 2020, Break News published an exclusive report under the title, “A lifelong dream of public service is ‘shocked’ by the abuse of power by the boss”... Yeosu City ‘covered its eyes and squinted’, bruised new civil servant ‘resignation’, and then-Mayor Kwon Oh-bong I also suffered from measles.
Yeosu Mayor Jeong Ki-myeong said in a phone call with Break News that he felt sorry for not properly verifying the personnel status of Mr. A, who was promoted to level 5 manager in the regular personnel appointments in the second half of this year.
In particular, Mayor Jeong said that he only recently learned after the personnel announcement that five low-ranking public officials who were victims of Mr. A's abuse of power in the workplace resigned sequentially, and announced that he would strengthen personnel verification for executive promotions in the future.
In response to this, Manager A had a face-to-face interview with Break News and said he deeply apologized to former and current fellow employees who were hurt by his inappropriate words and actions in the past, and that he would conduct his public life with respect and consideration.
At the same time, regarding the fact that new civil servants have submitted their resignations and moved to new places, he said that it has nothing to do with his abuse of power in the past, and that he knows that the former colleagues who submitted their resignations are working at public university libraries or other local governments in Jeollanam-do.
A Yeosu City official said, "It is regrettable that we were not able to find out in advance about the resignation of five civil servants who were victims of abuse at work by Mr. A, who was recently promoted to manager."
This official said, “We are considering a plan to assign those promoted to administrative officer level to other positions after completing six weeks of executive training, which will be held at the end of next month. If this is not possible, we are open to taking action during the regular personnel appointments in the first half of January next year.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스전남동부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>