여수시청 A간부공무원 명예퇴직 '불허'···전남도 인사위원회에 징계 회부행정안전부, 시설직렬 5급 과장 올해 초 복무규정 위반 적발..여수시 감사담당관실에 최근 징계 요구..사무관 이상 전남도 인사위원회서 징계수위 결정
해당공무원은 시설직 5급 사무관으로, 올해 초 행정안전부 복무점검에서 적발돼 경징계 권고가 내려왔다고 여수시 관계자는 전했다.
10일 여수시에 따르면 간부공무원은 전남도 인사위원회에서 징계수위를 결정하기로 돼있어 날짜가 잡히는 대로 징계 절차를 밟을 것 같다고 밝혔다.
공무원이 명예퇴직을 할 수 있는 자격 요건은 20년 이상 장기근속 중이거나 정년 퇴직일이 1년 이상 남아 있어야만 요건이 충족된다.
무엇보다 해당공무원이 형사사건에 휘말리거나 징계 중인 경우에는 명예퇴직 대상에서 제외되는 것으로 알려졌다.
특히 명예퇴직을 신청한 공무원은 경찰서와 법원, 감사원, 행안부 등 관련 기관에 범죄여부에 대한 신원조회에서 아무런 문제가 없어야 명퇴가 가능한 것으로 전해졌다.
이에 따라 간부공무원 A씨는 행정안전부 경징계 방침에 근거해 전라남도 인사징계위원회서 감봉과 견책 중에 하나를 받을 가능성이 커졌다.
정웅정 감사담당관은 "해당 간부공무원은 행정안전부 복무점검에서 적발돼 명예퇴직 대상에서 제외됐다"며 "최근 경징계 요구가 내려와 전남도 인사위원회에 통보했다"고 밝혔다.
한편 국가공무원법 제79조 공무원 징계 종류는 '파면·해임·강등·정직·감봉·견책' 등 6단계로 분류되며 이중에 중징계는 '파면·해임·강등·정직'이고, 경징계는 '감봉·견책'이 있다.
[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.] Yeosu City Hall executive official A not allowed honorable retirement... referred to Jeonnam Provincial Personnel Committee for disciplinary action
Ministry of Public Administration and Security, level 5 facility manager discovered violating service regulations early this year... Recent disciplinary action requested from Yeosu City Audit Office... Jeonnam Provincial Personnel Committee determines level of disciplinary action for administrative officers and above...Reporter Kim Hyun-joo
A senior civil servant at Yeosu City Hall in Jeollanam-do applied for honorable retirement, but attention is focused on the background as it is said that honorable retirement was not permitted after fault was confirmed.
The official in question is a level 5 facility office worker, and was caught during a service inspection by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security early this year and was recommended for light disciplinary action, a Yeosu City official said.
According to Yeosu City on the 10th, the Jeollanam-do Provincial Personnel Committee is scheduled to decide on the level of disciplinary action for senior public officials, so disciplinary procedures will likely be taken as soon as the date is set.
The eligibility requirements for civil servants to receive honorable retirement are met only if they have been in long-term service for more than 20 years or if they have at least one year left before their retirement age.
Above all, it is known that if a public official is involved in a criminal case or is under disciplinary action, he or she will be excluded from honorable retirement.
Civil servants who apply for resignation can only do so if there are no problems in the background check for criminal offenses by relevant organizations such as police stations, courts, the Board of Audit and Inspection, and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security.
Accordingly, there is an increased possibility that executive public official A will receive either a pay cut or a reprimand from the Jeollanam-do Personnel Disciplinary Committee based on the light disciplinary policy of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety.
Jeong Woong-jeong, an audit officer, said that the executive official in question was caught in a service inspection by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and was excluded from honorable retirement, and that the Jeonnam Provincial Personnel Committee was notified of the recent request for light disciplinary action.
Meanwhile, according to Article 79 of the National Civil Service Act, the types of disciplinary action for public officials are classified into six levels, including ‘dismissal, dismissal, demotion, suspension, pay reduction, and reprimand.’ Among these, severe disciplinary action is ‘dismissal, dismissal, demotion, and suspension,’ and light disciplinary action is ‘pay reduction and reprimand.’ 'There is. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스전남동부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>