해양수산부, 봄 힐링 명소 여수 '낭도마을' '4월 어촌여행지' 선정체험·숙박·관광 함께 즐길 수 있는 여행 핫플
2일 여수시에 따르면 '낭도마을'은 황금빛 해변과 야외 미술관 같은 갱번 미술길, 해안 절경을 조망할 수 있는 둘레길, 바다가 내다보이는 캠핑장 등 체험·숙박·관광을 함께 즐길 수 있는 어촌마을이다.
특히 섬 남쪽에 있는 작은 낭도해변은 수심이 얕고 물이 맑아 나들이 장소로 제격이며 반려동물 동반도 가능해 바다를 보며 힐링하기 좋은 안성맞춤 장소다.
또 시원한 바닷바람을 맞으며 하루를 보낼 수 있는 오션뷰 야영장은 반려동물 동반은 물론 전기, 샤워장, 화장실, 매점 등 각종 편의시설이 완비되어 있어 쾌적한 캠핑환경을 제공하고 있다.
앞서 낭도마을은 지난 2015년 행정안전부 ‘가고 싶은 섬’에 선정돼 탐방로와 야영장 등이 조성됐고 2021년에는 문화체육관광부 ‘생태녹색관광 활성화 사업’에 선정됨에 따라 ‘싸목싸목 낭만 낭도’ 사업이 3년째 진행되고 있다.
올해는 낭도 야영장 환경개선사업과 포토존 설치를 통해 낭도 야영객을 비롯한 관광객에게 편의는 물론 다양한 볼거리를 제공할 예정이다.
아울러 세계 최장 공룡 보행렬 발자국 화석으로 유명한 사도와 낭도를 연결하는 ‘사도~낭도 인도교 설치’를 2026여수세계섬박람회 개최 이전에 완료하기 위해 사업 추진에 박차를 가하고 있다.
정재호 수산관광국장은 "아름다운 낭도마을이 명품 관광명소로 더욱 활성화 되기를 기대한다"면서 "4월 유채꽃 만발한 낭도에서 봄을 만끽하고 어촌마을의 다채로운 매력을 느껴보시기 바란다"고 말했다.
[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.] Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries selects Yeosu Nangdo Village, a spring healing spot, as ‘April fishing village travel destination’
A travel hot spot where you can enjoy experiences, accommodations, and sightseeing together!
reporter goYongbae
Yeosu Nangdo Village was selected as the ‘April fishing village travel destination’ hosted by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.
According to Yeosu City on the 2nd, ‘Nangdo Village’ is a fishing village where you can enjoy experiences, lodging, and tourism, including a golden beach, an outdoor art gallery-like Gangbeon Art Road, a trail with a spectacular view of the coast, and a camping site with a view of the sea.
In particular, the small Nando Beach on the southern side of the island is shallow and clear, making it a perfect place for an outing. Pets are also allowed, making it a perfect place to relax while looking at the sea.
In addition, the ocean view campsite, where you can spend the day feeling the cool sea breeze, is fully equipped with various convenience facilities such as electricity, showers, restrooms, and a store, as well as allowing pets, providing a comfortable camping environment.
Previously, Nando Village was selected as an 'Island to Visit' by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security in 2015, and a trail and camping site were created. In 2021, as it was selected as an 'Ecological Green Tourism Activation Project' by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the 'Ssamok Ssamok Romantic Nando' project was launched in 2021. It's been going on for years.
Yeosu City has been making efforts to promote Nando to the whole country and promote sustainable tourism through the 'Ecological Green Tourism Revitalization Project' by fostering village eco-tour guides and operating Nando eco-tour programs. It has also made efforts to provide tourist convenience such as maintaining the Nando trail and installing information boards. I am writing.
This year, we plan to provide convenience and various attractions to tourists, including Nando campers, through the Nando Campground environmental improvement project and the installation of a photo zone.
In addition, we are accelerating the project to complete the installation of the ‘Sado-Nangdo footbridge’ connecting Sado and Nando, famous for the world’s longest fossil dinosaur walking track, before the opening of the 2026 Yeosu World Island Expo.
Jeong Jae-ho, director of the Fisheries and Tourism Bureau, said, “We hope that this selection will further revitalize the beautiful Nando Village as a luxury tourist attraction.” He added, “I hope you enjoy spring in Nando, when rape flowers are in full bloom in April, and feel the colorful charm of the fishing village.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스전남동부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>