검찰, 더불어민주당 여수시의원 4명·당직자 3명 무혐의 처분

공직선거법 위반 혐의

데스크 | 기사입력 2022/11/25 [11:27]

검찰, 더불어민주당 여수시의원 4명·당직자 3명 무혐의 처분

공직선거법 위반 혐의

데스크 | 입력 : 2022/11/25 [11:27]

▲ 광주지검 순천지청     



6·1지방선거 과정에서 공직선거법상 허위사실 공표 등 혐의를 받은 더불어민주당 여수시의원 4명과 당직자 3명이 무혐의 처분됐다.


여수경찰서 지능범죄 수사팀이 이들을  광주지검 순천지청에 기소 의견으로 송치한데 대해 검찰이 무혐의 처분을 내린 것이다.


광주지검 순천지청은 25일 여수시 마선거구 현직시의원 A씨 등 4명과 정당 관계자 B씨 등 3명을 포함해 7명이 공직선거법상 허위사실 공표와 후보자 비방 등 혐의를 받은 이들 모두를 무혐의 처분했다고 밝혔다.


이보다 앞서 여수경찰 지능범죄수사팀은 지난달 19일 해당 사건과 관련해 같은 선거구에서 경쟁하던 무소속 후보인 C씨를 낙선시킬 목적으로 허위사실이 담긴 성명서를 배포한 혐의 등을 인정해 7명 모두를 기소 의견으로 검찰에 송치했다.


아울러 검찰은 지방선거 기간 주소를 옮겨 공직선거법 위반 혐의로 송치한 D시의원에 대해서도 증거가 불충분하다며 '혐의 없음' 처분했다.


6·1지방선거를 앞두고 D시의원은 실제 거주지에서 출마 지역 선거사무실로 주소를 옮겼다가 선거가 끝난 뒤 본래 거주지로 다시 주소를 옮겨 공직선거법 위반과 위장전입 의혹을 받아왔다.



[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.]

Prosecution, 4 Yeosu city council members of the Democratic Party of Korea and 3 officials were acquitted
Violation of the Public Official Election Act


During the June 1st local elections, four members of the Yeosu City Council of the Democratic Party of Korea and three party officials who were accused of publishing false information under the Public Official Election Act were acquitted.


The Yeosu Police Station's intelligence crime investigation team sent them with the opinion of indictment, but the prosecution dismissed them as innocent.


The Gwangju District Prosecutor’s Office announced on the 25th that 7 people, including 4 incumbent city council members, including Mr.


A, and 3 people, including Mr. B, from a political party, in Yeosu City’s Ma election district, were acquitted of all those who were accused of publishing false facts and slandering candidates under the Public Official Election Act.


Prior to this, on the 19th of last month, the Yeosu Police Intelligence Crime Investigation Team acknowledged the charges of distributing statements containing false information for the purpose of failing Mr.


C, an independent candidate who competed in the same constituency in relation to the case, and brought all seven people to the prosecution with the opinion of indictment. sent


Prosecutors also dismissed 'no charge' for city council member D, who was sent to the city council for violating the Public Official Election Act by changing his address during the local elections, saying that there was insufficient evidence.


Prior to the June 1st local elections, City Council Member D moved his address from his actual residence to the election office in the region where he was running, and then moved his address back to his original residence after the election, and has been suspected of violating the Public Official Election Act and moving in undercover.

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